The above diagrams use Devices that are defined in a glossary from my previous posting. This initial attempt at Device-driven diagrams simplifies each diagram to one potential information path in the i2b2 system. There are a near infinite number of paths, therefore the presented diagrams show only a small number of these possibilities (even if some possibilities are largely similar). However, every possible diagram would still be composed of the same small list of generic Devices. i2b2 has the possibility of absorbing devices such as Ontological Analysis (using that device within the server), or as acting more simply as information storage and letting such devices be performed by individual entities outside the server.
Ok. Looks good. I know you are tied up but if you need to escape into the abstraction of the diagrams and machines, start to think about a set of analog devices that could emulate one of these diagrams or perhaps a portion of one. What is the information type you will be manipulating? How might the device be assembled? Will the analog 'machine' do anything? Speak soon. G.