Monday, October 5, 2009

Analog Tests_ v.2

I wanted to verify the differentiation of the different tones as is represented on the liquid surface. This quick video is a clip of me testing with a field inputs from the GarageBand piano keyboard. One element lacking in the video, as restricted by the program interface, is the ability to span multiple octaves that would a higher degree of differentiation in the effecting vibrations (there were technical difficulties with the physical keyboard that I had, which is in the process of being replaced). In the complete analog device the 2 note inputs for each speaker will have the potential to span multiple octaves, thus offering new possibilities for the reaction of the liquid.


  1. Cool. I will have to see it first hand. Question: To what extent is vibration of liquid a result of vibration of the container based on its natural frequency? G.

  2. Based on the movement of the vibrations of the liquid (based on how high/low pitched it is) I think that it is largely a factor of which part of the speaker is most activated. I am making the base for the liquid to sit in and hope to do more tests asap.
