Following are several scenarios for projected interactions, using the same LED tracking as my anaolgue:
1. Introduction - Each participant is a primary color dot. Overlapping leads to secondary colors. Like the constituent elements of a pixel . . .

2. Alpha Channels - Each participant is an RGB Channel. They may choose to align, or misalign, altering the image/video

3. Sectional Narrative - Shorts play and pause based on participants location. The section can be more complex to avoid hollywood squares scenario. Alternatively, perhaps one participant could control zoom, while another controls coordinates. Sort of like a non-linear version of Michael Snow's Wavelength.

4. Fractured View - tracks two participants locations - the closer they are, the more aligned the overlaid images. The farther, the more skewed.

5. Drip/Silhouette (from Krink) - Paint slowly drips, registering those who stay as distinct silhouettes, and those who move as blurs. Plays in loop.

6. Doll Parts – Like the kids game with animal parts. Needs more people than I'm sure I can track.

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